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A combination of our highly trained, uniformed staff and the latest moving equipment enable us to offer our clients the very highest levels of service for office relocations and reconfigurations.


They say moving house can be one of the most stressful events in life. We’re not sure how moving office compares but we do know that choosing the right relocation partner can significantly reduce the stress involved. Fluid Moves & Installations team and your dedicated Relocation Manager provide all the necessary expertise, equipment, vehicles, and insurances to ensure your relocation goes smoothly. We supply everything from crates and labels, professional packing services, IT moves and specialist services for items such as safes.


Whether you require a small change or an entire restack, our team are on hand to assist with all aspects of the project from planning to execution. We know that internal reconfigurations can be disruptive, so our teams are available to work 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.


Our trained furniture fitters provide a professional installation service. This includes the delivery and installation of new furniture and the dismantling and reassembly of existing furniture to allow for reconfiguration, relocation, or storage.


Whether it’s redundant furniture and equipment or packaging from a new installation, Fluid is a licensed waste carrier with ISO14001 credentials which ensures all waste is processed in an environmentally conscious way.


Surplus furniture and other assets can take up a lot of valuable office space. Fluid has a network of secure warehousing facilities across the UK with an online storage management system that gives you real time access to your inventory. Through the portal you can see images, dimensions, descriptions and quantities of the assets we hold on your behalf. You can arrange collections, call off stock and even arrange a disposal via the system.

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Get in touch

Contact our team to discuss your project.

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